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Looking for a nice partner 45+


Szczegóły ogłoszenia

  • Miasto: Nottingham
  • Opublikowany: 18 grudnia 2024 11:23
  • Wygasa: 7 dni, 13 godzin


Looking for a nice partner 45+

I am looking for a nice man aged 45-80 for leisure, travel and maybe even a future together.

I am 31/163/57 attr.NR, employed, active, interested in culture and fun.

Looking for a strong (strongly built), well-groomed, employed, mobile NR, without pets or other obligations. Preferably not an academic, … and preferably not a millionaire (like me), … but one should be reliable and nice. I would be happy to get to know you personally over a coffee or doing things together. I would be happy…

You can reach me by email at

Nr ogł.: 826762b0abda962


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